If you want to acquire high-quality acoustic speakers, don't forget to pay a visit to the Ogive Acoustique store in Trois-Rivières. The experience and know-how of the shop owner alone is worth the trip!A satisfied customer!THANKS !
I acquired an M2Tech Vaughn dac as well as YBA and Rega devices from Ogive Acoustique. The quality of these products and the service received from this business are remarkable. I recommend it without hesitation.
The Ogives are the best speakers I have listened to, my Ogive A6 surpasses everything I have heard at multiple audio shows. Also a reference in recommendation and audio advice.
Having visited the vast majority of audiophile stores in Montreal offering some of the most efficient audiophile equipment (Quebec offering for all practical purposes even fewer truly serious choices, this from very practical experience) I must say that Ogive Acoustique stands out in a class all by itself. Indeed JF Rocheleau knows how to select and offer the most efficient audiophile equipment at different levels of quality-price ratio; from the modest audiophile to the demanding purist music lover whose ear can only be satisfied with what tends towards excellence (precision and firmness of musical naturalness). The professionalism of JF Rocheleau earns him the qualification of audio advisor like too few of his peers! Having previously purchased elsewhere and having found significantly higher audio quality at Ogive Acoustique at often lower costs, I cannot recommend anything better to any audiophile than to trust their ear and visit Ogive Acoustique.