Retour Evaluations Google 5.0Basé sur 4 avis Me Paul Émile Constantino, avocat en droit civil et familial 5.0évaluez-nous surVoir tous les avis×kn ly1735807379Professional and very courteous.djibril diallo1707608623Very attentive, follows through with the plan and always maintains line of communication with clients. I highly recommend his servicesJulie Landriault1652957145He takes the time to listen to you and he will follow you until the end. I am very satisfied with his service and I recommend him to those who need justice.Elodie Santos1586326856Devoted to clients Année2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010MoisJanvierFévrierMarsAvrilMaiJuinJuilletAoûtSeptembreOctobreNovembreDécembre