Retour Evaluations Google 5.0Basé sur 5 avis Marie-Claude Sigmen D.O Ostéopathe 5.0évaluez-nous surVoir tous les avis×Julie Provencher1732656248Marie-Claude is attentive, attentive and professional.Adriana Belinschi1732030410A very kind person with a warm and welcoming personality! We immediately feel at ease in his presence.Linda1731687285An extraordinary specialist, attentive to our needs, who takes the time to treat our body and our energy!Wow!!!Thank you for your miracles 😉Jean-François Watier1720696979Best osteopath! She works miracles!Julie Leroux1606177315 Année2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010MoisJanvierFévrierMarsAvrilMaiJuinJuilletAoûtSeptembreOctobreNovembreDécembre