Retour Evaluations Google 5.0Basé sur 10 avis Peinture Gino Tarsi — Travaux de Peinture - Résidentiel & Commercial - Peintre Intérieur & Extérieur Trois-Rivières 5.0×Francine Forget1730825235We had our entire apartment painted, a large 5 1/2 and we are very satisfied! Excellent service, fast and impeccable, we highly recommend it!Louise Legris1725735675Thank you painting Gino Tarsi for the excellent work. Painting my house in two colors.Very satisfied with the ceramic break for my backsplash.Marie Li1725139498Great professional job! Very nice and friendly people!Vspec Construction1724096075Impeccable quality serviceYves Flamand1724070098Very friendly and flexible depending on the work in progress.Pierre Beaudin1723223567Very professional. I am fully satisfied.The cutting is perfect.Louise Legris1722689180Thank you painting Gino Tarsi for the excellent work. Painting my house in two colors.Nathalie Meunier1720969722Thank you for the fast, efficient and well-done service. Année2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010MoisJanvierFévrierMarsAvrilMaiJuinJuilletAoûtSeptembreOctobreNovembreDécembre